I am the owner of 2 businesses – my primary business is Operation Amber (this one..) where I provide virtual business support to small business entrepreneurs by managing and coordinating their operational, administrative and scheduling logistics; the other is a personal blog and business directory for partners and families coming into the Australian Defence Force, where I share resources and information on our journey and experiences.

The Challenges:

After 18 months in business, I found myself drowning, always going above and beyond, and doing many things I wasn’t being paid for (I could have been the Queen of People Pleasers Anonymous).

I had become burnt out physically and emotionally from constantly trying to meet and please other people’s needs, and had let my boundaries go with the wind. I was feeling lost, frustrated and out of alignment with the reason for being in business, and was constantly sick with various illnesses for over 6 months.

The effects on my business were financially detrimental – I lost all motivation with my marketing (and therefore business growth, and awareness), became fearful of being ‘visible’, and became a recluse. I was undercharging, over delivering, scared to invoice for the actual time spent working on jobs, and the worst part – not following up on overdue invoices.

There was no profit, no harmony in family/business, no time, no community, no motivation.

The Support and The Program:

In May 2024 I completed Kara Lambert’s Finding Your Purpose program. It took longer than the suggested 45 minutes as the reflection, questions, and realisations that came up were challenging. They also started to make me see that I was not only no longer working in alignment with my values, I struggled to even identify them.

Sitting with this information over the next few weeks made me rethink my business model, and where I needed to make change.

After the Purpose follow up call, Kara presented me with a venn diagram that highlighted and connected my loves, my wants, my mission, my passions.

Kara identified my underlying purpose for my primary business, and also how it tied into my secondary one.

Applying the Learnings:

I felt comfortable introducing new services that were energetically aligned. I raised my prices to allow for profit. I started to implement my boundaries, and this was where the biggest impacts came.

I let go of a client who had been overstepping my boundaries consistently, and in turn I then started to attract a whole new community when I came back to working from a values based perspective. 

Reconnecting with the values of myself, and my business, meant that I was showing up as my true self. I didn’t feel like I had to hide the lumps, bumps and quirks that had brought me to this part of life, and helped to shape my services.

The Results:

My business is evolving to offer the services that I know are valuable to my target market. I’m confidently providing resources and connections for the services I don’t provide, and I’m no longer afraid of upholding my boundaries.

This quarter, while I may have lost 50% of my income, it’s the first quarter that I’ve made profit, and my business is now starting to work for me, rather than me working for it.

I’ve become happier in my marriage, and also in parenting, as I lean more into doing things that provide me with joy, and I feel energetically lighter both personally and professionally. My family and current clients have noticed the change, and commented on how much happier and content I am.

My confidence in meeting people in person has returned, and I’ve even been to a networking event where I didn’t know anyone in the room. This has introduced me to multiple new environments, connections, and friendships that I otherwise would have missed out on.

If you’re at a point where you’re considering the ‘why am I here?’ or are feeling meh, taking part in Kara’s program may help to shed some light on your energy drains, and energy givers.

Read more about it here.

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